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How to Answer "What's Up?" or "What's Going On?"


The question "What's up?" or "What's going on?" is a common greeting in English-speaking cultures. While it may seem straightforward, the appropriate response can vary significantly depending on the context and your relationship with the person asking. In this blog post, we'll explore the nuances of answering this question when interacting with strangers, colleagues, clients, friends, and close friends.

1. Answering Strangers and Acquaintances

When a stranger or acquaintance asks, "What's up?" or "What's going on?", it's best to keep your response brief and general. This is not the time to go into personal details or complex situations. A simple, polite answer works best.


- "Not much, just getting some errands done."

- "Just working on a few things. How about you?"

- "Same old, same old."

What to Avoid:

- Avoid oversharing personal details.

- Avoid being overly vague, like just saying "Nothing" without any context, as it might come off as dismissive.

2. Answering Colleagues

In a professional setting, your response should be a bit more polished but still succinct. You want to maintain professionalism while still being friendly.


- "I'm just wrapping up a project. How about you?"

- "Busy with work, but it's going well. How's your day going?"

- "Just catching up on some emails and preparing for the next meeting."

What to Avoid:

- Avoid discussing personal issues or complaints about work.

- Avoid being too casual, which might come off as unprofessional.

3. Answering Clients

When interacting with clients, it's important to be professional and positive. Your response should reflect your focus on their needs and the business relationship.


- "I'm currently working on your project and things are progressing well. How can I assist you today?"

- "Busy as always, ensuring we meet our deadlines. How are things on your end?"

- "Just finalizing some details on our latest proposal. Anything specific you'd like to discuss?"

What to Avoid:

- Avoid being too casual or sharing personal information.

- Avoid negative comments about work or other clients, as it can appear unprofessional.

4. Answering Friends

With friends, you can be more open and share more about what's actually happening in your life. However, the level of detail can depend on how close you are.


- "I just got back from a great vacation. What about you?"

- "I'm pretty busy with work, but I managed to catch a great movie last night."

- "I've been working on a new hobby. How's everything with you?"

What to Avoid:

- Avoid sounding uninterested or too brief, as it might seem like you don't value the conversation.

- Avoid being overly detailed if you sense they are not in the mood for a long conversation.

5. Answering Close Friends

With close friends, you can be completely open and honest. They are the ones with whom you can share your highs and lows, and they will appreciate your authenticity.


- "I've been feeling a bit stressed with work lately, but I'm managing. How are you doing?"

- "Just finished a great book. You should read it too! What's new with you?"

- "I've been thinking about our last conversation and had some ideas. What's up with you?"

What to Avoid:

- Avoid holding back important details if they might help your friend understand your situation better.

- Avoid being too casual if they are sharing something important with you; show empathy and interest.


Understanding how to appropriately answer "What's up?" or "What's going on?" can help navigate different social interactions more effectively. By tailoring your response to the relationship you have with the person asking, you can foster better communication and strengthen your connections. Remember, the key is to be polite, considerate, and contextually appropriate. Happy conversing!

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