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Compliance to Defiance

Updated: Jun 24

Understanding the spectrum of legal English verbs is crucial for articulating the nuances of compliance and defiance within the legal framework. These verbs are not just vocabulary; they're tools that shape the interpretation of actions in legal contexts. From adherence to outright refusal, each term offers a precise way to describe interactions with laws and regulations.

From Compliance to Defiance: Within & Beyond The Law.

Level: CEFR B2 & Higher


Master Essential Legal Verbs for Lawyers and Business Professionals

1. Adhere

Definition: To stick firmly to a rule, belief, or practice.

Example: "The company must adhere to national employment laws to avoid penalties."

2. Comply

Definition: To act according to an order, set of rules, or request.

Example: "Manufacturers need to comply with safety standards to ensure their products are safe for consumers."

3. Abide by

Definition: To accept or act in accordance with a rule, decision, or recommendation.

Example: "Citizens are expected to abide by the laws of their country."

4. Observe

Definition: To follow or comply with a law, rule, or ritual.

Example: "The organization observes all international trade agreements diligently."

5. Submit to

Definition: To accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person.

Example: "The defendant must submit to the court's ruling."

6. Heed

Definition: To pay attention to or take notice of.

Example: "Heed the regulations regarding data protection to avoid legal issues."

7. Obey

Definition: To follow the directions or commands of.

Example: "Employees are required to obey the company's code of conduct."

8. Cleave to

Definition: To closely follow or adhere to something with strong support or loyalty.

Example: "The lawyer advised cleaving to the terms of the contract strictly."

9. Acquiesce to

Definition: To accept something reluctantly but without protest.

Example: "The board acquiesced to the new regulations imposed by the government."

10. Conform to

Definition: To act in accordance with the prevailing standards, rules, or laws.

Example: "To maintain licensure, professionals must conform to ongoing education requirements."

11. Flout

Definition: To intentionally ignore or show contempt for established rules or conventions.

Example: "They flouted the parking regulations, resulting in a hefty fine."

12. Disobey

Definition: To fail to follow orders, rules, or directions.

Example: "The recruits learned the consequences of disobeying commands during training."

13. Infract

Definition: To break or violate a rule, law, or agreement.

Example: "The company was found to infract environmental protection laws."

14. Transgress Against

Definition: To go beyond the bounds or limits set by a command or law.

Example: "He transgressed against company policy by disclosing confidential information."

15. Contravene

Definition: To do something that is not allowed by a law or rule, or to disagree with something in an official way.

Example: "The new construction contravenes local zoning laws."

16. Infringe

Definition: To actively break the terms of a law or agreement.

Example: "Pirating movies infringes copyright laws."

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