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16 Power Words

Level: CEFR C1 Advanced

Unlock the Power of Advanced Vocabulary: 16 Words to Elevate Your Communication

Develop your communication skills with these 16 advanced words that can make your conversations more precise and impactful. Whether you're writing, speaking, or simply looking to expand your vocabulary, these words are perfect for impressing and conveying your ideas more effectively.


1. Anoint: To formally choose someone for a special role.

2. Befuddle: To confuse or perplex someone.

3. Expound: To explain something in detail.

4. Obfuscate: To make something unclear or difficult to understand.


5. Dejected: Feeling sad and disheartened.

6. Desultory: Lacking a plan or enthusiasm.

7. Machiavellian: Cunning and unscrupulous, especially in politics.

8. Perfunctory: Done without enthusiasm or effort.


9. Fastidiously: With great attention to detail.

10. Haphazardly: In a random or chaotic manner.

11. Regally: In a royal or majestic manner.

12. Resplendently: Dazzlingly impressive and richly colorful.


13. Antithesis: The direct opposite of something.

14. Concatenation: A series of interconnected events or things.

15. Interpolation: The insertion of something different into something else.

16. Nexus: A connection linking two or more things.

Using these words in your daily interactions will not only enhance your language skills but also help you articulate your thoughts with greater precision. Practice incorporating them into your speech and writing, and watch as your communication becomes more engaging and effective.

Verbs Example Sentences:

1. Anoint: Although the board decided to anoint her as the new CEO, many employees were skeptical, but she quickly proved her worth.

2. Befuddle: The complicated instructions befuddled the new employee, who tried to follow them carefully, but he still made several mistakes.

3. Expound: The professor expounded on the theory during the lecture, and while some students were captivated, others struggled to keep up.

4. Obfuscate: The politician's speech seemed designed to obfuscate the truth, so the audience was left confused, and many sought clarification afterward.

Adjectives Example Sentences:

5. Dejected: After hearing the bad news, he felt dejected, but his friends rallied around him, and they managed to lift his spirits.

6. Desultory: Their conversation was desultory, jumping from one topic to another, and although it lacked focus, it was surprisingly enjoyable.

7. Machiavellian: His Machiavellian tactics in the office earned him a promotion, but they also made him many enemies, which he didn’t seem to mind.

8. Perfunctory: She gave a perfunctory nod during the meeting, yet when it ended, she surprised everyone by asking detailed questions.

Adverbs Example Sentences:

9. Fastidiously: He fastidiously organized his collection of rare coins, and although it took a lot of time, the result was impressive.

10. Haphazardly: The papers were haphazardly scattered across the deep red oak desk, so it was difficult to find anything, and she resolved to organize them later.

11. Regally: She walked regally down the grand staircase, and while everyone watched in awe, she smiled gracefully.

12. Resplendently: The CEO's office was resplendently decorated, featuring a deep mahogany desk and vivid artwork, which impressed every visitor who entered.

Nouns Example Sentences:

13. Antithesis: Her calm demeanor was the antithesis of his fiery temper, and while they often clashed, they also balanced each other out.

14. Concatenation: The concatenation of events led to their unexpected success, and although it seemed coincidental, they believed it was meant to be.

15. Interpolation: The author's interpolation of historical facts added depth to the novel, but some readers found it distracting, and others appreciated the detail.

16. Nexus: The conference served as a nexus for experts from various fields, and while they exchanged ideas, new collaborations were formed.

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